Friday, 16 March 2012

What I think will happen in Dragon Quest

1. Spike becomes sick of being used as a fax machine to the Princess. When some other young dragons find their way into Ponyville, Spike becomes friends with them.

2. Spike's pony friends become aware that these new dragons have a tendency to cause trouble. They tell Spike about the great dragon migration. Spike is intrigued, but tells them that Ponyville will always be his home.

3. The new dragons scoff at the idea. After going too far with their troublesome hyjinx , they leave to join the migration and Spike decides he wants to go with them. Twilight disapproves and tries to make him stay.

4. Spike leaves, Twilight becomes heartbroken and worries about how she will get by without him. Spike begins to learn that as a baby dragon, he is unlikely survive the treacherous journey that lies ahead. His dragon pals act tough, but when danger strikes, they cower in fear, leaving Spike to save the day in one last showdown.

5. Spike changes his mind about the rough and tumble gang and heads back to Ponyville. Twilight is there waiting for him and everything returns to normal.

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