Thursday, 31 December 2015

Claire's Diary 31/12/2015


Dear diary

Before I close this book for the last time, I want to address a few things. As you know, every entry of this diary has included a little illustration of me. You may also have noticed these drawings have changed in style over the year. The reason for this is I didn't bother to create a model sheet.
Also you may have noticed the colour of my fur changed with the seasons. Go back and look if you hadn't noticed.
Finally I don't know if the calendar I promised will actually happen. It's a bit late to be thinking of that now. Maybe next December I'll have a 2017 calendar made or something.
Anyway, happy new year and a big thank you to everyone who read this diary.


Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Claire's Diary 30/12/2015


Dear diary

This is my favourite part of losing weight. Smoothies! I made myself a carrot smoothie this morning. Very tasty. I would and a little sugar but that would not be good for my teeth. Cabbage smoothies on the other hand, always need sweetening.


Beluga Weekly #361

Feel free to comment!

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Claire's Diary 29/12/2015


Dear diary

My fitness scheme is going rather well. I'm not losing much weight, but I've found some fun things to do. Cycling, rowing, rock climbing, I love that stuff. Hopefully by January I shall see some improvements. If not, I reckon I'll be fine until Easter. You can't not get fat at Easter. It's physically impossible.


Monday, 28 December 2015

Claire's Diary 28/12/2015


Dear diary

I'm dealing with it. I'm spending time at the gym and working on reshaping my body to its original beautiful form. It's hard work. I'm going to have to cancel my plans for New Year's eve because I'll just be way too exhausted. It's not going to be a very fun week, but hopefully it will be a fit one. That said, those stollen bites still need using up.


Sunday, 27 December 2015

Claire's Diary 27/12/2015


Dear diary

I will not look at the scales. I refuse to. The only person who knows my weight right now is my mum and I have given her strict instructions not to tell me. She's allowed to call me a giant, fat heffalump, but she can't tell me how much I weigh. In the meantime, I need to work out how I'm going to slim down. Work out! that's perfect!


Saturday, 26 December 2015

Claire's Diary 26/12/2015


Dear diary

Can't move today. I don't think I'll be snacking which is a shame because it means the many thousands of pretzels, mixed nuts and after dinner mints might just go to waste. Still, it does mean I can just sit still and enjoy a day in with my family. I just hope my brother is able to move because I don't want to have to sit next to him for an entire day. Why doesn't he go and get us both some fizzy pop? I honestly cannot move.


Where's this week's Beluga Weekly?

Some of you may have noticed that there was no episode of Beluga Weekly on Christmas day. You probably thought it was because I was too busy enjoying the holiday cheer to get around to it. However, that is not the reason. I would have uploaded the final part of the BW 2015 story arc but annoyingly I forgot to add it to my laptop before I made my journey to the home of my parents where I will be staying until 30th December. It did get me thinking that this could be a reason to switch from Fridays to Wednesdays. Either way, I apologise for failing to meet the deadline and I will be sure to upload the episode as soon as I return to Southampton and future episodes will most likely appear on this site every Wednesday from now on.



Friday, 25 December 2015

Claire's Diary 25/12/2015


Dear diary

The family is out. They wanted to go for a walk for some reason. It's Christmas day! Who goes for a walk on Christmas day? So I'm just sitting here on my own. I think Goldfinger is gonna be on soon. They've been out for what seems like ages! Worse than that, the heating seems to have failed. It's absolutely freezing! I don't think I can take it much longer... Oh, they're back.
Merry Christmas!


Thursday, 24 December 2015

Stocking Filler #3 - Andrew's Christmas message that kinda relates to New Stuff #19

Stocking Filler #2 - New Stuff Christmas Special

Stocking filler #1 - Cowsplay - Frozen

Frozen is property of Disney

Claire's Diary 24/12/2015


Dear diary

That's better. I've slept off my stomach ache and now I'm watching some quality TV. I think this is The Sound of Music. I can't tell which one is Julie Andrews because nobody is singing yet. They're all dressed as nuns too. How much longer is this? I might switch over if they're going to sing that weird song. You know, the so-long-farewell one. Doesn't do much for me. I prefer South Pacific. As long as I fast forward through the musical numbers.


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Claire's Diary 23/12/2015


Dear diary

Don't feel good. Think I might have overdone it a little. My tummy has gone from complaining to rebelling. I'm going to have to make sure I don't snack on any more Christmas treats. How is that even possible? I can't just turn down mince pies! It's not even Christmas eve yet! This is going to be the worst Christmas since that year I had tonsillitis.


Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Claire's Diary 22/12/2015


Dear diary

Toffee apple time! Or candied apple. I don't care as long as there's an apple in it. And it's covered in syrupy goodness. I think my teeth are beginning to hate me. Every time I bite into something sugary, they complain. And every time I swallow something sweet, my tummy complains. Oh well. nothing is going to stop me from enjoying my cavity seeds.


Monday, 21 December 2015

Claire's Diary 21/12/2015


Dear diary

Guess who had a lollipop today? I haven't had one of these for a long time. I seem to remember them being a lot nicer when I was a tot. Still, they're not that bad. I suppose my sweet tooth never really went away. That said, I might have done it some damage with the amount of confectionary I have consumed over the past 21 days. I hate dentists.


Sunday, 20 December 2015

Claire's Diary 20/12/2015


Dear diary

You know what they say, sweets taste so much better when they're someone else's! I don't know exactly who said that. Maybe it was just me. No, I'm sure it's an ancient proverb. I certainly enjoy eating other people's food. This week I have stolen half a bowl of cereal, 6 chocolates and several strands of spaghetti. I don't feel so good. Maybe it's guilt? No wait, I'm pretty sure it's acid reflux.


Saturday, 19 December 2015

Claire's Diary 19/12/2015


Dear diary

I love my mum even more now because she bought a big bag of stollen bites! These things are the yummiest! I could live on them they're so good. OK, maybe if they weren't coated in icing sugar, I probably wouldn't like then so much. Actually, don't they have marzipan in them? I hate stupid marzipan! But I love stollen. Go figure.


Friday, 18 December 2015

Claire's Diary 18/12/2015


Dear diary

Mum's gingerbread men are the best. I have 2 this morning. Then I had some more for elevenses. Then I had about 5 with my afternoon tea. Then I had a nap. Then I looked up the best recipe for gingerbread cookies so I could make some of my very own! But by that time, my mum had already made another batch. I love my mum.


Beluga Weekly #360

Feel free to comment!

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Claire's Diary 17/12/2015


Dear diary

Time for hot chocolate and marshmallows! Only problem is those marshmallows keep dissolving into the drink and I have to ad another handful. Very tasty though. And It really does put me in the holiday spirit. Unlike turkey. Seriously, why do we do that? Anyway, I should leave room for the mulled cider we're having later.


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Claire's Diary 16/12/2015


Dear diary

I'm trying as hard as I can to avoid spoilers for the new Star Wars movie. I don't know about my fellow Star Wars fans, but i want to be surprised. And eat popcorn. I'm not the biggest popcorn fan, but it's kinda the traditional snack for movies. Also I can't have hotdogs anymore because I've been told they are made from dogs. That's just wrong.


Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Claire's Diary 15/12/2015


Dear diary

I've had so many chocolate bars today, I am actually scared of going anywhere near my bathroom scales. Maybe just one more? No! I have to stop or I'll get myself stuck in the doorway when it's time to go and post those Christmas cards. Or at least I would if I had any Christmas cards to post. I love chocolate. Is it a seasonal thing? I don't care it's always yummy. But I must stop. Unless... NO! I must stop!


Monday, 14 December 2015

Claire's Diary 14/12/2015


Dear diary

OK, so maybe my brother isn't that bad. He makes a good fruitcake. By that I don't mean he is in any way a fruitcake, he's actually pretty stable. He brought some of his very own festive fruitcake and let me tell you it is delicious. It's good because it isn't soggy or crusty or filled with broken glass. It's just the right amount of holiday cheer.
Fruitcake. The one thing brothers are good for.


Sunday, 13 December 2015

Claire's Diary 13/12/2015


Dear diary

The family are here. Yes, that also includes my stupid brother. We don't hate each other, we're just siblings. He's the one who's always happy. I'm the one who's always annoyed. He always eats too much during the festive season. What the heck, he's never gonna read this, I hate him.


Saturday, 12 December 2015

Claire's Diary 12/12/2015


Dear diary

Why turkey? Turkey's aren't Christmassy at all. They are like ugly leather handbags except you can't use them to keep things in. Apart from onions. And sometimes chestnuts. Cranberry sauce is basically jam. Why do we spread jam on poultry? Also, what kind of word is poultry anyway? It's only called poultry when we're eating it. Am I a carnivore?


Friday, 11 December 2015

Claire's Diary 11/12/2015


Dear diary

Today we look at the roundness of baubles. What exactly are baubles for? Yes, I know they're for decorating, but they don't really resemble anything that festive. Are they meant to look like shining stars? I do have some baubles that have Christmas themed designs on them, but that means you have to get really close to the tree in order to see them and who wants that? Last time I looked at a bauble close enough to see the images of robins sitting on snow covered gardening utensils, I got a tree branch in the eye! Not much fun. I hate trees.


Beluga Weekly #359

Feel free to comment!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Claire's Diary 10/12/2015


Dear diary

Sprouts are round too. I do like sprouts. Not as much as carrots mind you. Everyone knows what happens when you eat sprouts. You're thinking it aren't you? Yes, they make you turn bright green and eliminate your ability to play Jenga. That's always my excuse at least.


Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Claire's Diary 09/12/2015


Dear diary

Christmas puddings are also round. Because they're boiled in round pots. Also people used to make them with pennies. I'm really not convinced that such a thing is a good idea. Last time I tried to eat a penny I nearly chocked to death. They don't even taste that great. Those times must have been weird!


Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Claire's Diary 08/12/2015


Dear diary

Christmas is full of round things. Like snowballs. Whoever invented the snowball deserves to be put away for a very long time. I can never go out without some random person I've never even met hurling chunks of ice at me. Even if it hasn't been snowing! Speaking of which, it hasn't exactly snowed at Christmas for several years now.


Monday, 7 December 2015

Claire's Diary 07/12/2015


Dear diary

I have been so busy today. I'm like one of Santa's elves. Do you think Santa needs to be busy with all his helpers doing to work? They make the toys and gift-wrap them. Santa just sits in his sleigh and goes to a bunch of houses. Lazy bugger. I love Santa. He brought me a BMX one year! I didn't know elves could make bikes. Or gameboys!


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Claire's Diary 06/12/2015


Dear diary

Just bought myself a Christmas tree hat. I'm thinking of taking it back though. It doesn't seem to sit on my head that easily. It kind of balances loosely before falling off. It also looks kinda dumb. Not sure I can make it work.
Oh wait, I've just realised, it isn't a hat at all. It's just a christmas tree. A small artificial Christmas tree. At least I don't have to wear it on my head.


Saturday, 5 December 2015

Claire's Diary 05/12/2015


Dear diary

Gotta make this quick because I'm off to the pictures very soon.
I hate mince pies! I only just realised how revolting they are. This is not the kind of thing I want out of eating, drinking and being merry. No mince pies for me. Love Christmas pudding though.


Friday, 4 December 2015

Claire's Diary 04/12/2015


Dear diary

Time for candy canes! You can only eat them. They're not much good for walking with. I suppose I could have tried that when I was little. Really little. I like minty flavoured candy canes. They're a bit like toothpaste only not revolting. Also they don't protect your teeth from plaque build-up. If anything they worsen the condition of your teeth. Still, I love them. I'm enjoying one right now. This makes all the hassle and panic of Christmas worth while.


Fanart Friday - Nibblers

Nibblers is property of Rovio Entertainment Ltd.

Beluga Weekly #358

Feel free to comment!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Claire's DIary 03/12/2015


Dear diary

Today I noticed that my windows were lacking in the snow department so I'm gonna spray some possibly flame-retardant aerosol can snow around the corners. Now the corners of my windows look festive! I may have to open the windows to let the fumes out. Shame really. Then nobody will be able to see it. Such is life.


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Claire's Diary 02/12/2015


Dear diary

It never snows around here, so I'm preparing some decorative flakes to make my furniture look sparkly and nice. It also looks a bit like dandruff because it doesn't melt. But the place is looking very festive. It's so much fun decorating every nook and cranny. It's messy stuff but hey, it looks pretty. Think I might get the vacuum cleaner out. It's a little too pretty.


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

New Stuff #19 The Christmas 2015 Spectacular! (With 4 different cover designs!)


Claire's Diary 01/12/2015


Dear diary

It doesn't bother me that my parents enforce a no phones policy during Christmas festivities. I think it's a good idea. I hardly even use my phone. Not so keen on being without my laptop though. I keep telling them a laptop isn't the same as a phone but they just don't seem to understand. Anyway, I'm sure we can make some kind of compromise. I'm taking their laptops away this year.


Monday, 30 November 2015

Claire's Diary 30/11/2015


Dear diary

It's raining again! Boo! What happened to the sunshine? The lovely, unseasonable sunshine. The worst thing about this kind of weather is the wind because it keeps moving those storm clouds to the very places you do not want to find them! Every day I find myself getting dressed in waterproofs only to find that the rain is nowhere to be seen. So I go back inside, change into my summer gear and get drenched when I step outside because it's pouring with rain again! I believe this is where the term, "rinse and repeat" comes from.


Sunday, 29 November 2015

Claire's Diary 29/11/2015


Dear diary

I keep seeing things. Only this morning I thought I saw a puffin eating a Swiss roll. Then a crocodile riding on a penny farthing. Then a cactus singing karaoke songs. Then a lollypop watering strawberries. Then an alien riding a lollypop. Then a whale fixing a radio. Then a train reading a newspaper. Then a fish curing cancer. Then a slug destroying the sun. Then a fly creating a black hole. Then woke up. It was a dream. I was still asleep that's why I was seeing things.


Saturday, 28 November 2015

Claire's Diary 28/11/2015


Dear diary

Do you know what acrophobia is?
According to Wikipedia, Acrophobia (from the Greek: ἄκρον, ákron , meaning "peak, summit, edge" and φόβος, phóbos, "fear") is an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up. It belongs to a category of specific phobias, called space and motion discomfort, that share both similar etiology and options for treatment.
So, in other words, you feel like your gonna fall when you're not. I might have it.


Audio Junk #152 - Last episode of 2015

Friday, 27 November 2015

Claire's Diary 27/11/2015


Dear diary

Today I am in a silly mood. This happens from time to time. I spent most of the day pretending to be a mushroom. I'm alright now. Being a mushroom is too much hard work anyway. I prefer to be a peanut. Just as long as there are no elephants around. Or a pie. Pies are good. I'd be a cherry pie. Then I could bathe in custard. OK that's enough. Silly time is officially over. I'm off to read Pride and Prejudice.


Beluga Weekly #357

Fanart Friday - The Trap Door

The Trap Door is property of CMTB Animation