Friday, 7 August 2015

Check here every Friday for a dose of Beluga Weekly!

This is a head's up for readers of Beluga Weekly. The Beluga Weekly comics are automatically scheduled to appear on this website every Friday. This means that if I am not able to access my laptop, the comic strip will still be updated whenever it's due.
I am going away on holiday soon which means if you've been following Beluga Weekly on Facebook, Twitter or deviantart, there might be an absence of Beluga Weekly next week. This is why I recommend you follow the strip via this website. I intend to update the Belugatoons Facebook and Twitter pages when I return on 20th August, so this isn't going to make a huge difference. I just wanted to let you all know in advance that I won't be doing a lot of social networking for the next couple of weeks. I also made sure I prepared some podcast episodes which will appear on this web site as normal. Thank you for readership and I hope you enjoy all the upcoming comics!


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